Industry Engineering
Ireland has a strong pedigree in AMME (Advanced manufacturing, materials and engineering) and a reputation that resonates throughout the world. Locally the sector contributes significantly to the NI GDP and provides thousands of jobs across the region.
Whilst the sector is made up of international brands the majority are small to medium-sized businesses in fitting with the general economic profile of the province. Global demand in engineering and materials processing has seen a surge in growth of small but hugely ambitious and successful businesses punching well above their weight on the global stage.
Engineering like construction and manufacturing are very similar in many ways and all are a speciality of LoughTec in regards to IT support and cyber security. Engineering firms may be heavily impacted by downtime for loss revenue or risk losing data and intellectual property on inhouse patents or designs supplied to engineer as well as staff and customer data.
Importantly see what potential financial impact a cyber attack could have, specifically tailored to your business revenue and staffing levels, via our bespoke cyber attack impact calculator here
When it comes to cybercrime, regardless of size or scale, your business is under constant threat.
Engineering and materials processing companies operate in digitised and technology-driven environments from design and project management, IoT and connectivity throughout the supply chain. Whilst embracing technology and digitisation has made these organisations more efficient, streamlined and competitive, they find themselves under greater threat from cyberattack.
The cyber criminals target data that can be highly sensitive – confidential information that can include, financial information, product designs, customer data or intellectual property. All of this information can be used by cyber criminals for financial gain and in an ultra-competitive market place, information on product design getting into the wrong hands can have an obvious negative impact.
On top of data theft, cyberattack increases the risk of downtime in the production process.
How would production downtime impact your ability to meet contract deadlines? 48 hours? 2 weeks? Longer?
Click here to see your specific financial risk via our bespoke Impact Calculator.
Then consider brand reputation.
A big challenge for the small to medium sized engineering businesses across Northern Ireland might be resource – some may not have the budget to invest in adequate protection for their networks and data. Some may simply be unaware of the threat posed to ALL businesses by cyber-crime today.
Reach out to LoughTec below to learn how we can help deliver IT support and Cyber Security to protect your business, staff, customers, data, financials and your reputation.