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Professional & Commercial Services

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Threats are on the rise!

Those businesses in the finance and accounting sectors have access to high volumes of sensitive data, names, addresses, bank details as well as well as access to payroll data makes them a very obvious target for cyber criminals and whilst the larger firms might look more appealing to the cybercriminal, the fact is that most of the smaller firms simply do not have the resource to invest in protecting their assets and data and as a result the small to medium sized businesses tend to be more vulnerable.

Whilst any data breach might have an impact on operations in the short term, few businesses can afford to pay any significant ransom and none can afford any damage to their brand reputation.

The threat to businesses specialising in professional and commercial services increased dramatically during the pandemic when people were able to work from their home environments – some initially (and perhaps still) with only access to the internet. As businesses become more reliant on cloud-based software, remote working poses more of a threat to cyber security than ever before.

Those businesses specialising in communications – advertising agencies and digital marketing companies – have all embraced technology and digitisation much quicker than many other of their colleagues in professional services. Their ability to communicate faster across more touchpoints also serves to increase the threat surface to their organisations.

Other consultancy businesses – architects and engineers – become equally as vulnerable as they integrate more technologies and software into their design and management processes and equipping their teams for more effective onsite collaborations.

For professional services like Accountants, Lawyers, Architects, Consultants and commercial services like Logistics, Transportation, Waste Management, Estate Agents etc, LoughTec offered a wide variety of IT support and cyber security products tailored to suit the size and scale of your business to prevent cyber criminals attacking your business.

Reach out to LoughTec below to learn how we can help deliver IT support and Cyber Security to protect your business, staff, customers, data, financials and your reputation.


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