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File Transfer Automation

What is File Transfer Automation (FTA)?

File Transfer Automation (FTA), also known as Automated File Transfer (AFT), is a technology designed to schedule, manage and monitor the movement of files between systems and users without human intervention.

FTA is a core component of Managed File Transfer (MFT) and it enables the automated scheduling, management and monitoring of file transfers within the broader MFT framework. By automating these processes, FTA enhances the overall efficiency, security and reliability of an MFT solution, making it integral to its function.

Managed File Transfer is a solution that enhances business productivity by securely and efficiently managing data movement across networks. By automating file transfer workflows, MFT eliminates manual bottlenecks, reduces errors and ensures timely delivery of critical data.  

This automation allows organizations to streamline operations, maintain data integrity and allocate resources more effectively.  In industries like finance, automated workflows ensure that data transfers are secure and compliant with regulations, while also supporting scalability as data demands grow. 

In contrast, manual workflows within an MFT solution are difficult to scale, are prone to errors and lack the security needed for sensitive data transfers. They require continuous human oversight, leading to inefficiencies and potential compliance issues.  

Standardizing processes across systems is also more challenging with manual methods, risking inconsistencies that can compromise the reliability of the MFT solution.

Advantages of Workflow Automation

File transfer automation workflows streamline the movement of data by eliminating manual intervention within the broader managed file transfer framework. This ensures efficient and error-free file transfers, using encrypted protocols for enhanced security.  By automating file processing tasks such as scheduling, file renaming and encryption, organizations can achieve reliable and secure data transfers.

Drawbacks of Manual File Transfers

Despite the clear advantages of file transfer automation, some organizations continue to rely on manual processes for various reasons, e.g., outdated systems, budget constraints and lack of awareness. However, maintaining the status quo can lead to dire consequences such as breaches or operational downtime.  The prominent risks associated with manual file transfers, such as unmanaged sharing, compliance issues and shadow IT risks, can severely impact operational efficiency and data integrity.

Automated workflows can do the following:

  • Reduce risk of manual workflow errors
  • Lower development costs
  • Minimize the need for custom code
  • Support compliance with regulatory standards
  • Free up valuable staff time

File transfer automation workflows streamline the movement of data by eliminating manual intervention within the broader managed file transfer framework. This ensures efficient and error-free file transfers, using encrypted protocols for enhanced security. By automating file processing tasks such as scheduling, file renaming and encryption, organizations can achieve reliable and secure data transfers.

Operational Inefficiencies

  • Manual file transfers often lead organizations to develop custom scripts to automate parts of the process. While these scripts aim to reduce time and errors associated with manual transfers, they bring their own set of challenges.
  • First and foremost, they fail as environments change and can contribute to script sprawl, making IT management more complex and unreliable. They also lack support and eventually lead to a loss of key knowledge if the creator leaves.
  • Homegrown scripts are typically unreliable and lack robust security measures, making them prone to errors and vulnerabilities and hinder overall efficiency. These types of scripts require constant maintenance due to their inherent unreliability and lack of standardization and often lack proper documentation and support, making troubleshooting and updates time-consuming.

Security Risks

  • Unmanaged manual transfers increase the risk of data breaches. Files may be sent without encryption, to incorrect recipients, or through insecure channels, exposing sensitive information. 

  • Decentralized data governance makes securing information challenging, as data is scattered across various platforms and lacks centralized control. This fragmentation can lead to security gaps, such as the inconsistent application of encryption across different platforms and inefficiencies in managing and protecting sensitive information. 

  • Shadow IT involves unauthorized systems and applications used without IT department approval, potentially bypassing security protocols. This practice is usually done because processes may be inconvenient, or applications are not user-friendly. However, this exposes organizations to data breaches and compliance violations due to unmonitored and unsecured file sharing.

Compliance Issues

  • Maintaining compliance with regulatory standards is challenging with manual processes as inconsistent handling and lack of proper documentation can lead to non-compliance, resulting in legal and financial repercussions.
  • Inconsistent handling of compliance-related tasks can lead to interruptions in business operations. If a compliance breach is detected, critical processes may be halted to address the issue, causing delays and financial losses. 

  • Regulatory standards require that audit logs be retained for a specific period to track access and modifications to sensitive data. Failure to store these logs for the required duration may result in the inability to provide the necessary evidence during an audit, leading to non-compliance penalties and potential fines.

Efficiency & Speed

FTA streamlines the exchange of data by eliminating the need for custom scripts and manual intervention, allowing for faster and more reliable transactions.  

This reduces time consumption and errors, allowing employees to focus on more strategic tasks, such as analysing data for business insights, optimizing operational processes and developing innovative strategies for growth. FTA ensures reliable, secure and efficient transfers, enhancing overall productivity while increasing the speed of transfers.

Enhanced Security

FTA solutions can provide robust security features, such as encryption, role-based permissions and zero-day malware protection. Encrypted protocols and centralized control ensure that data is protected throughout the transfer process, mitigating the risk of breaches.

Compliance and Auditability

Automated systems offer capabilities such as audit trails, role-based permissions, and granular approval workflows. By automating file processing tasks such as scheduling, file renaming and encryption, organizations can achieve reliable and secure data transfers.  

These features help maintain compliance with industry regulations and standards and protect from potential fines and reputational damage. Implementing file transfer automation addresses the key challenges of manual processes, enhancing efficiency, security, and compliance in data management.

  Manual File Transfers File Transfer Automations
  • Unreliable custom scripts
  • Prone to errors
  • Inefficient
  • Eliminates manual intervention
  • Faster and reliable transactions
  • Risk of breaches
  • No encryption
  • Decentralized governance
  • Encrypted protocols
  • Centralized control
  • Reduces shadow IT risks
  • Hard to maintain compliance
  • Inconsistent documentation
  • Detailed audit trails
  • Role-based permissions
  • Automated workflows


Any organization that depends heavily on the timely and secure exchange of large data files between systems and users, as well as between low and high security networks, can benefit from implementing FTA.  

Whenever large volumes of sensitive information are needed to be transferred without compromising security such as transaction records, compliance reports and customer data, FTA can help keep this information secure.  

For example, government agencies handle large amounts of sensitive data every day. For them, efficient and secure file transfers are essential for smooth operations and maintaining public trust.  

FTA simplifies the tasks of key roles such as the CISO, IT security teams and compliance officers by ensuring secure, reliable data handling, allowing them to focus on broader security strategies, threat detection, and compliance management.

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

FTA enhances the CISO's ability to ensure data security by providing consistent, encrypted transfers. This allows the CISO to focus on broader security strategies and risk management.

IT Security Teams

FTA streamlines the monitoring and management of data transfers, reducing manual oversight and the potential for human error. This frees IT security teams to concentrate on proactive threat detection and response.

Compliance Officers

File transfer automation ensures that data handling complies with regulatory standards by maintaining detailed logs and consistent protocols, making it easier for compliance officers to prepare for audits and reduce the risk of penalties.

Industries Benefitting from File Transfer Automation

The energy, government, and finance sectors share common characteristics due to their critical roles in national security, economic stability, and public safety. These sectors are interconnected; for instance, the energy sector relies on financial services for transactions and they both are regulated by government policies.  File transfer automation in the daily operational processes of these industries can lead to more robust security and better productivity with visibility and control.

Energy Sector

An oil and gas company automates seismic data transfers to research partners. Previously, manual transfers consumed valuable engineering time and posed security risks. Automation has significantly reduced transfer times between IT and OT systems, enhancing data security and allowing engineers to concentrate on data analysis rather than data management.
Benefit: Streamlined and secure data sharing accelerates decision-making and drives innovation, giving the company a competitive edge in exploration activities.

Government Sector

A national statistics agency automates the transfer of census data across departments. Previously, manual transfers led to delays, data breaches and increased the risk of data leaks. Automation ensures that census data is updated in real time and securely shared across departments.  
Benefit: Enhanced operational efficiency and security in data handling improve public service delivery and national security.

Finance Sector

A bank, responsible for regular compliance reporting to regulatory bodies, automates the transfer of financial reports. Their manual reporting was prone to errors and consumed a substantial amount of time, often leading to compliance risks. Automation standardizes and secures the process, streamlines compliance reporting, reduces errors and ensures data integrity. 
Benefit: Compliance is achieved more efficiently, with reduced risk of regulatory penalties, improving the bank’s integrity and customer trust.

The Critical Need for FTA in Manufacturing, Healthcare and Media

Automated solutions are equally important for other fast-paced environments like manufacturing, healthcare services, and media production.  

Despite their differences, these sectors of critical infrastructure share a fundamental need for robust FTA solutions to streamline operations, ensure compliance and safeguard sensitive information. Their daily operations share unique challenges and commonalities in their file transfer needs.


In the manufacturing industry, the integration of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) is essential for smooth operations. Large design files, CAD drawings and IoT data from smart machinery are regularly transferred between engineering teams, production lines and external partners.  

This was the case with a large manufacturing company which faced the challenge of securely and efficiently receiving large design files and IoT data from external contractors worldwide and integrating this data into their internal OT environments. Traditional methods were cumbersome, lacked automation and fell short in providing the necessary security controls.  

To address these issues, the company implemented an FTA solution. This technology ensured secure, automated and supervised file transfers, protecting sensitive data while maintaining usability and streamlining collaboration between external parties and internal systems.

Public Healthcare

Public healthcare systems handle an enormous amount of sensitive data, including patient medical records, lab results and imaging files. These files need to be securely transferred between hospitals, clinics, laboratories and insurance companies. 

Compliance with regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) necessitates secure FTA solutions to protect patient privacy and ensure that sensitive health information is transmitted securely.


The media industry deals with vast quantities of high-resolution video files, audio recordings, and multimedia content. These files are often transferred between production teams, broadcasters and external clients.  

Given the need for timely delivery, intellectual property protection and data leak prevention, efficient FTA solutions are critical to maintaining operational workflows in this industry.

In Summary

File transfer automation solutions address pressing security issues by providing end-to-end encryption, secure access controls and detailed audit trails, ensuring that data remains protected throughout the transfer process.  

Automation of data transfer helps these industries meet compliance requirements by providing automated workflows, encryption and comprehensive logging, thereby reducing the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties. 

The transition to automated workflows not only mitigates risks but also empowers teams to achieve more, faster, and with greater confidence in the security of their data exchanges. This, in turn, leads to better productivity, enhanced security, and easier compliance with regulations.

Explore how Managed File Transfer can empower and secure your file transfer processes with its ability to manage, govern, and monitor file transfers within an organization.  Managed File Transfer includes features such as file transfer automation workflows, access control, auditing and reporting. Implementing this solution can be the key to unlocking unprecedented efficiency and security in your organisation.


LoughTec have demonstrable experience in bespoke ultra secure File Transfer Automation (FTA, AFT, MFT) solutions in large scale organisations including SharePoint integration solutions, contact us today on the below enquiry form to find out more.