WhatsApp Contact

Secure Communications Platform

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A comprehensive, award-winning encrypted communication solution. Built with the latest technology to keep your organisation confidently secure, our unique two-part secure comms app allows for secure mobile communications and a centralised management portal for desktop, ensuring you can seamlessly run your network.

Secure Messaging

Our bespoke solution provides users with private and secure real-time messaging and group chat for their contacts.

Secure Voice Calls

Our secure solution offers one-to-one calls and conferences for up to 16 participants, as well as encrypted VoIP calls worldwide.

Encrypted File Transfer

The system enables secure transfer of confidential documents and sensitive images with end-to-end encryption for multiple attachments.

Message Burn

Our burn feature completely erases information from all devices, either manually or with a timer setting.

Message Broadcasting

Share live alerts, messages, images, and documents freely and quickly with large groups within an organisation.

Screenshot Protection

Administrators can restrict users from taking screenshots for optimal internal security. If taken, users will be notified immediately.

Global Burn Functionality

Our secure comms solution includes a specialised global burn feature empowers users to erase information from both their own devices and those of all recipients. This ensures sensitive information can be removed by any user, from anywhere, at any time.

Message Broadcasting

As a leading secure communications solution, Salt enables trusted broadcasters to deliver live alerts with assigned severity to specific user groups within an organisation, keeping them informed about real-time events, empowering them to take prompt action and stay ahead of potential threats.

Secure Conferencing

We are proud to offer high-quality voice conferencing, accommodating up to 16 participants simultaneously. Our VoIP calls are securely encrypted in any region.

Portal Management Features

Centralised Management - This enables users to provision and de-provision virtually and instantaneously, from anywhere in the world.

Closed Contacts

Organisations can effectively manage internal communication channels, controlling user contact without linking to personal devices.

Secure Management

Secure administrator credentials and ensure undeniable privacy and compliance through Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

Deployment Options

Available as a hosted service or as an on-premise installation within private infrastructure.

Metadata Management

The system enables organisations to seamlessly manage their metadata, securely archiving conversations, storing statistical overviews, or deleting all metadata, instantly.

Restriction Management

Administrators are able to prevent users from downloading documents and images.

Contact Management

This provides a completely secure, closed system, where users require entry provided by their organisation. Organisations have total control over internal communication and user access through "circles" based on seniority, department, or legal matter.

Metadata Management

Not every organisation follows the same data protection regulations. There are three account management options for metadata offering organisations flexibility in meeting their data protection requirements: privacy mode, enterprise mode, and compliance mode.

In App Restriction Control

The management portal allows chosen admins to control in-app restrictions, including Android users' ability to take screenshots, downloading of documentation, and enforcing an 'auto-burn' feature for messages on all devices.

Cyber Security Support